the grom motorcycle museum

muzej motociklov grom
the museums collection
In the settlement of Vransko in Slovenia’s valley of “green gold” you’ll find the Grom Motorcycle Museum. The Museum which is a private collection surveys the world's and Slovenia's motorcycling history and development.
Over 140 motorcycles are in the exhibit, from world famous makes to rare and precious examples. You can find pioneer Puch motorcycles from 1906 and 1912, ABC from 1919 and from the twenties Indians, Harley-Davidsons, the BD Praga, Victoria, and the ladies favourites Ner-a-Car and art-deco Majestic 350. The 1930s are represented by several ARIEL, BSA, AJS, GUZZIs, Gileras and other pearls among motorcycles like the four cylinder INDIAN 437, a Boehmerland, a Standard and many others.
Special sections of the exhibition are dedicated to pure breed racing machines and military motorcycles.
Besides the array of motorcycles, you can also see displays, of rare number plates dated from before World War II, as well as leather and linen clothes, helmets, medals, badges, stamps, posters and many other rare memorabilia.